Monday, September 10, 2012

Developing Leaders

Now that the school year is in full swing, some of the leadership development programming is starting up again for our students.  This week, Kevin Touhey, a leadership development expert, will be back on campus working with our student-athletes.  All of our new players will meet with Coach Touhey for an introduction to the philosophy of lateral leadership.  On our team, we believe that everyone contributes to our team leadership, in different, but all meaningful ways.  Coach Touhey will be back throughout the year to meet with each team individually as well.

I also have the honor to participate in the Harwood Leadership Program.  The nominated students gathered yesterday for a round of interviews and activities.  It was a great afternoon, and I had a lot of fun participating in the interviews.  The launch of this program will be an innovative way to foster peer learning and provide the framework for students to learn from each others leadership experiences.  I'm really looking forward to the first session.

As we get closer to the start of our season, we are preparing a number of team building and leadership development activities for our team.  It's so important to prepare and develop the mental side of the game as well!  I'll be sure to keep you posted as to what we are up to!