Friday, July 15, 2011
Summer Update by Allison Bauer
This summer I am a Summer Analyst at the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), an investment bank. I am working in the Global Banking and Markets portion (GBM) on the Capital Markets side. Capital Markets is basically the liaison between the markets side (sales and trading) and the companies or countries who want to issue bonds. When a company wants to raise funds in either the short or long term, they come to us with an idea of how much they want to raise and we work with them in help them decide on the correct price guidance and underwriting of bonds. Once this is done, we also allocate the number of bonds to different investors. So far this summer I have rotated through the high yield desk, investment grade desk and recently I started on the frequent borrowers group. I have learned a ton and although the hours are rough and the commute is too, I love it. I really can't wait to get back to school though, and especially for the season to start!