On Tuesday, F&M celebrated the official start of the 2013-2014 with Convocation. The Class of 2017 donned their house cords during the ceremony when they were officially welcomed into the F&M community. The faculty speaker, Professor Carol Auster, from the sociology department had great advice for the Class of 2017 and everyone at F&M. She spoke about the 4 Ps:
Possibilities: F&M is a place full of possibilities - academically, in extracurriculars, and in friendships. Possibilities at F&M can lead to lifelong passions.
Passion: you arrive with some and find new passions while you are here. More importantly, is passion in the moment - participate, interact, respond to fellow students. Be enthusiastic, be fully energized in that moment.
Persistence: you need it to succeed academically, to study a big longer, to polish written work just one more time.
Posse - from the idea behind the Posse Foundation - everyone needs their own F&M posse. Your posse can open your mind to new ideas, celebrate achievements, support and help with your persistence, help you smile and find humor in life.
Finally, be inspired to make F&M the place that you want it to be.
Great advice to start the school year. Professor Auster's full remarks are online.